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Human Living Library: Zen Buddhism

“I'm just a very small part of life and life goes back a long way and will go on into the future. So my place in it is actually very small - knowing that helps me cope and understand things that go on. ”


Zen Buddhism

Here Mike talks about his life experiences and the impact of prejudice on his life as a Zen Buddhist. He highlights that Buddhism has helped him cope with things in day to day life.

Soto Zen Buddhism is one of many forms of Buddhism and it is centered around meditation and voluntarily accepting some moral precepts in order to attain an intuitive acceptance of the world as it really is, rather than how we expect it to be. It is a genuine religious practice with a long history and not just a term used for a relaxed sense of mind as commonly perceived. ​


Here are some useful links if you'd like to learn more about Zen Buddhism: