Remote learning
Remote learning brings new challenges, from coping with unstructured time to understanding new technologies and ways of working.
This guide is designed to introduce you to essential information and point you in the direction of our more specific help should you need it.
Skills Team workshops and webinars
Related books & eBooks from our collection
All of these are available as eBooks. Links below are to the eBook versions.
An Introduction to Online Learning [eBook] by The book addresses myths and misconceptions regarding online education, organization, communication, time management, personal learning styles, key aspects of research, handling technological "catastrophes", where to seek help when you need it, and other tips for successfully meeting the unique demands of distance learning. This book contains relevant, original examples and illustrations, as well as online resources with links to meaningful examples, interviews with students, etc.
ISBN: 9781412978224Publication Date: 2010-04-28The Savvy Student's Guide to Online Learning [book & eBook] by The Savvy Student's Guide to Online Learning prepares students of all kinds for contemporary online learning. While technologies and formats vary, this book serves as an authoritative resource for any student enrolling in an online degree program or taking an online course. Topics covered include: * How to become a great online student * Creating an online presence * Interaction and communication techniques * Online group projects and individual work * Technological requirements and how to get technical support * Online classroom "netiquette" and time management The authors, both experts in online education, introduce the information and skills required of successful online students to navigate this new learning landscape with confidence. A highly useful companion website provides video presentations that explain the different types of online learning as well as a real online course with activities for students to practice and interact with other learners around the world.
ISBN: 9781135136673Publication Date: 2013-07-03
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Study & learning
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