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Human Living Library: Becky Huxley-Binns

“Talk to people and affirm them. If someone's got a brilliant idea acknowledge it, celebrate it and never pass someone else's good idea off as your own.”


Imposter Syndrome

Here Becky talks about her life experiences and the way her self confidence has helped her not feel Imposter Syndrome. She goes into some detail about how she has never felt like Imposter Syndrome has affected her or her career and that in fact Imposter Syndrome is a natural phenomenon that does not need to have the negative connotations that currently surround it. 

Impostor syndrome, also known as impostor phenomenon or impostorism, is a psychological occurrence in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud. They often attribute their accomplishments to luck rather than to ability.


Here are some useful links if you want to learn more about Imposter Syndrome and how to deal with it: