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Human Living Library: This is Me

To raise awareness for Disability Pride Month our University of Hull Disability Staff Network ran a mini campaign called "This is Me"


The aim was to share stories of those with a disability working or studying at the University. It's an opportunity to learn about a range of disabilities, how it can affect people and where to look if you want to understand the conditions further. But most importantly, it's about the people behind the story and how their disability may not define them, but it is part of who they are - This is Me!


Thank you to all the staff and students who have shared their lived experience with us.

We appreciate your time, your vulnerability to disclose and your contribution to fostering an inclusive culture at the University.


This Is Me - Nick (he/him) shares his experience with ADHD.


"For me it means a lot of external distractions, I always need to be hearing noise and not a massive fan of quiet time, even when studying. It also means moving about a lot and fidgeting all the time, I was a drummer growing up and was always tapping my feet."

For Nick's full "This Is Me" post view the PDF below! 

This Is Me - Lauren (she/her) shares her experience with Crohn's and Raynaud's Disease.

"[Medication and infusions] keep it in remission as much as possible and help to limit my symptoms which can include considerable pain, fatigue, lack of appetite and weight loss."

For Lauren's full "This Is Me" post view the PDF below! 

This Is Me - Barbara (she/her) shares her experience with Meningococcal Encephalitis.


"I cope by keeping lots of diaries and notes everywhere and I have had to accept I can’t do everything I could before. I use a motorized scooter when I am having a bad day."

For Barbara's full "This Is Me" post view the PDF below! 

This Is Me - Ben (he/him) shares his experience with Panhypopituitarism, Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome.


"Panhypopituitarism has affected me in many ways, primarily with my growth and development. [CVS] often includes having stomach pain, being unable to talk or move and other symptoms include dizziness, headache, dehydration."

For Ben's full "This Is Me" post view the PDF below! 

This Is Me - Suzanne (she/her) shares her experience.


"I have had to wear hearing aids for the past two years and have had quite a lot of adjustments to make both at home and at work, especially after moving from a small office to a large open plan space at the start of 2024."

For Suzanne's full "This Is Me" post view the PDF below! 

This Is Me - Hayley (she/her) shares her experience with Dyslexia.

"It’s very difficult to give an overview of dyslexia as every individual responds differently. I always knew to a certain extent that I struggled with reading and writing, particularly if it’s in front of people."

For Hayley's full "This Is Me" post view the PDF below!