Dissertations & independent projects
This is a guide to writing final year undergraduate or masters dissertations and independent projects
This comprehensive guide gives help and advice on everything from developing your initial research question to formatting your document ready for submission.
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Enjoy Writing Your Science Thesis or Dissertation! by This book is a step by step illustrated guide to planning and writing dissertations and theses for undergraduate and graduate science students. Topics covered include advice on writing each section of a thesis as well as general discussions on collecting and organizing references, keeping records, presenting data, interacting with a supervisor and avoiding academic misconduct. Recommendations about how to use word processors and other software packages effectively are included, as well as advice on the use of other resources. A concise summary of important points of English grammar is given, along with appendices listing frequently confused words and wordy phrases to avoid. Further appendices are provided, including one on SI units. The aim is to provide an easy-to-read guide that gives students practical advice about all aspects of writing a science thesis or dissertation, starting from writing a thesis plan and finishing with the viva and corrections to the thesis.
ISBN: 9781783264209Publication Date: 2014-06-25 -
Excellent Dissertations! by Producing a dissertation is a major requirement of an increasing number of courses. The dissertation is likely to be the largest single piece of work you will be asked to produce. "Excellent Dissertations " guides you through the whole process: planning your dissertation project, managing it, and writing it up. This book offers friendly and practical advice. It addresses all the questions students ask, including: How do I choose a topic? How should I manage my time? How can I make best use of my supervisor? How many chapters should my dissertation have? And which is the best referencing system to use? "Excellent Dissertations " is a must for every student with a dissertation to do. It is a lively, concise, and to-the point guide, which will steer you through the entire process.
ISBN: 9780335226207Publication Date: 2005-04-01 -
How to write your undergraduate dissertation by Unlike any other book this teaches students how to generate their own ideas and develop them into original research projects. Using examples from all disciplines, it not only teaches students how to plan and research using all the qualitative and quantitative techniques and instruments, but also how to construct arguments and use evidence and language consistently. Throughout it emphasizes that writing is the most difficult form of thinking and dissertations are a test of our ability both to think and write clearly.
ISBN: 1352005239Publication Date: 2019 -
Writing a Dissertation for Dummies by Producing a dissertation has become a major requirement of most university courses, both undergraduate and Masters. It's likely to be the largest single piece of work you'll have to submit - and also the hardest! Writing a Dissertation For Dummies walks you through all the practical and theoretical aspects of writing a dissertation to help you produce a first-class work. This guide is ideal for any student in the broad range of the social sciences, from anthropology to law, psychology to media studies. From choosing a topic, to researching the literature, utilising your supervisor, managing your time, and structuring and writing your dissertation, you'll be able to avoid all the common mistakes and stay on top of your workload throughout the process. You'll also find tips on the best way to reference your work, and expert advice on presentation and binding. This is a must if you want to maximise your marks on your university dissertation. Writing a Dissertation For Dummies covers: Part I: What is a Dissertation? Chapter 1: So You Have to Write a Dissertation Chapter 2: Thinking About a Research Question Part II: Getting Set Up for Your Dissertation Chapter 3: The Structure of Your Dissertation Chapter 4: Getting Started Chapter 5: Finalising Your Research Question, Dissertation 'Type' And Considering Ethics Chapter 6: Reading Efficiently and Taking Useful Notes Part III: Getting On With Your Research Chapter 7: Researching in Libraries and the Using the Internet Chapter 8: Creating Your Own Empirical Data Chapter 9: Analysing Data And Drawing Conclusions Chapter 10: Staying on Track Part IV: Writing and Polishing Chapter 11: Managing Your Argument: 'Writing Up' Your Non-Empirical Dissertation Chapter 12: Writing Up Your Empirical Dissertation Chapter 13: Writing Effectively Chapter 14: References, Bibliographies and Appendices Chapter 15: Sorting Out The Presentation of Your Dissertation Part V: Managing The Overall Experience Chapter 16: Your Work Habits Chapter 17: Looking After Yourself Physically and Emotionally Chapter 18: Ten Common Dissertation Pitfalls to Avoid Chapter 19: Ten Essential Tips For Completing Your Dissertation Chapter 20: Ten Items For Your Very Final Checklist
ISBN: 9781119996019Publication Date: 2011-01-06 -
How to write dissertations and project reports by Fully updated since first publication in 2007, and with extended and revised sections in key areas such as Plagiarism & Copyright, Ethics in research, and Citing & Referencing, How to write Dissertations & Research Projects will allow a student to assess and address their particular weaknesses in researching and writing dissertations and longer pieces of coursework and delivers detailed tips, techniques and strategies to enable them to significantly improve their abilities and performance in time to make a difference.
ISBN: 0273743848Publication Date: 2011