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Integrated sessions: Presenting with Style & Graphics

Presenting with Style; Utilising Infographics & Visuals

For Modern Researcher 2, w/c 7th November 2022


You must engage with the activities below, then attend one of the following sessions:

  • Thursday 10th November 1 pm - 1:50 pm (online via Microsoft Teams)
  • Thursday 10th November 2 pm - 2:50 pm (on-campus in Wilberforce LR8)

This session consists of videos to watch ahead of the workshop, activities to undertake before the workshop, and activities to contribute to during the workshop.

Learning outcomes

  1. Using images for effective communication 
    1. Sourcing images with an appropriate licence 
    2. Citing images appropriately to acknowledge sources
  2. Understanding copyright and copyright exceptions
  3. Creating your own diagrams to communicate
    1. Understand the ethical issues associated with editing 

Before the workshop

Navigate the tabs below to access the videos and activities for this section:

Watch this: Presenting with style [video 1]

Activity A: Finding appropriate images

For this activity, we want you to try and find some appropriate photographs to illustrate the three topics introduced in the video. Use the free photography/image resources from our Digital Student website to help you get started and then share your favourite idea on the Canvas discussion posts below: 

Activity A - Picture ideas for: Barriers to inclusive education can be physical, psychological and social

Activity A - Picture ideas for: Kingston upon Hull was the 2017 UK City of Culture

Activity A - Picture ideas for: Power dynamics are often subtle

Watch this: Citation and attribution [video 2]

Watch this: Creating your own diagrams [video 3]

Activity B: Creating a diagram

For this activity we want you to create a diagram to represent some element of your research structure. This could be your whole project, just your literature review, a particular chapter, how your conceptual framework impacts your research - anything that will be useful for you. We will use this week's session as an opportunity to share these with each other.

Watch this: Images & copyright [video 4]

Using images for outstanding presentations

Watch the video and then look at the question on for Activity C.

Watch this: Using images for outstanding presentations [video 5]

During the workshop

Navigate the tabs below to access activities during the workshop:

This activity is consider and form an opinion about the ethical question posed towards the end of Video 5: At which point does legitimate image editing become tampering? We will discuss this in the live session.

Ethical question posed in the video

Which stage is acceptable editing?

  1. Leave as original
  2. Adjust contrast
  3. Remove blemishes
  4. Crop
  5. Remove outliers
  6. Reconstruct