After you have identified your search terms, you need to combine your terms with the aid of Boolean operators. Boolean consists of connectors that combine your search terms. Let’s take a look at the Boolean operators to know how it helps us to get appropriate results.
The boolean operators below demonstrate examples for the question: “Discuss the impact of social media on teenagers.”
AND operator
Use AND to combine and find information on all of your search terms. This will narrow your search. When using AND, you only receive pages including both of your search terms, though not next to each other. For your assignment, search for ‘social media AND teenagers’ to get results including social media specific to teenagers.
NOT operator
Use NOT to exclude a specific term from your search which will again narrow your search. The NOT operator is used to find pages including only the first term and excluding the second term. For your assignment, search for ‘Teenagers NOT Adults’ to get results specific to teenagers only and not get any results related to adults.
Be very careful in your use of this operator - it can exclude relevant material. For example, an article might discuss teenagers and "young adults" but it would be excluded as it contains the term 'adults'.