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Integrated sessions: Watch this: Using visuals in your work

Using visuals in your work

A picture is worth a thousand words. Or in other words that complex idea you are trying to explain to your reader in several detailed sentences can actually be better clarified with one single picture. There are many advantages of visual communication, and that’s why visual communication, which is the earliest method of communication used by humans (since prehistoric times!), is still prevailing as one of the most effective forms of sharing information.

Every day we see and we use visual communication to deliver our ideas to others, at school, at work or at home. The use of images on newspapers, blog articles and social media or charts, diagrams and graphs on presentations are some examples of visual means we come across and use to share information in our day-to-day life.

Visual communication, which is based on the use of visual elements, such as drawings, illustrations and electronic images, certainly has made it easy for us to explain, understand and remember/memorize information that is important to us.


Developing your use of visuals

Select one of the following videos to watch, depending on which is the most useful for your role.

Creating your own diagrams

Using visuals in your presentations

Software for creating visuals

The University of Hull provides access to some great tools for creating visuals:

  • Microsoft Visio - specialist diagram software installed on every computer (or accessible to staff via the Software Center).
  • Microsoft PowerPoint - while associated with presentations, PowerPoint is a great drawing tool