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Maths & numeracy: IBM SPSS

“The research process, particularly the data entry and data analysis stages, always takes longer than expected, so allow plenty of time for this”

Julie Pallant, SPSS Survival Manual

IBM® SPSS® Statistics offers rich statistical capabilities paired with features that make it easier to access and manage data, select and perform analyses and share results.

SPSS Statistics supports the entire analytical process. It helps people validate assumptions faster, guiding them in using the right statistical capability at the right time. It also gives analysts flexible access to powerful analytical techniques, whatever their level of expertise.

Downloading SPSS

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Staff and students at the University of Hull can download IBM SPSS Statistics for free (for Windows, macOS and Linux). Just visit the Support Portal and search ‘IBM SPSS’.

(Sign in required and confirmation that you are using it for academic purposes.)

Features and benefits

Love spss
  • Over 50 different statistic tests
  • Easy to navigate interface
  • No need to understand coding or syntax
  • The ability to build customisable charts
  • Data and output files kept separately to avoid mistakes
  • Easy import from Excel and Jisc Online Surveys

Getting started with IBM SPSS Statistics - video resources

It is useful to think about how you intend to use SPSS before you start collecting and inputting data. Forethought into the research process can help you collect and input data in the best format for SPSS. As a complicated program, it is recommended that as well as watching these video tutorials, you consult the books or resources recommended on this page to help you with underlying decision making. You should also consult your supervisor regarding any analysis to ensure you are using best practice for your discipline.

All our video resources are available on our online alternative to the Using IBM SPSS for Surveys workshop page.

Recommended resources

Laerd Statistics

This is our go-to site for anything related to statistics and SPSS. It has an excellent statistical test selector and easy to follow step-by-step guidance to show how to carry each test out in SPSS.

Laerd logo and link

Whilst it is not free, student pricing is only £5.99 for three months so it can be an excellent investment during the data analysis stage of your research project.

Khan Academy

This is an excellent resource covering all aspects of statistics and probability. It is not about SPSS but can help you understand the principles behind the tests you are using.

Khan academy logo and link

IBM Knowledge Center

This links to the tutorials page of IBM's support pages. You may also find the Case Studies link useful too.

IBM knowledge centre logo and link

Andy Fields' Video Playlist

To compliment his best selling book (see the Recommended books list) Andy produced a series of videos. This is the link to the full playlist.

Related books and eBooks from our collection

Sample datasets

Andy Field’s Datasets: Download this dataset to access all of the files from Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics 4th Edition.

Links to Health Datasets: Download this Word (™) file containing links to health datasets available online.

Links to Business Datasets: Download this Word (™) file containing links to business datasets available online.

Links to Sport Science Datasets: Download these datasets related to the Sport Science Testbank questions.