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“Brynmor Jones Library”
The University Library provides access to a wide range of books and eBooks. To effectively find the titles you need, use the Library search.
Find more information about Library search and how it works at our Library search webpage.
A basic search to find books & eBooks
- Go to the Library homepage and locate the Library Search box.
- Type the name of the book you want or enter the topic (you can use double-quotation marks around your term to search for a phrase) and click on Search:
On the results screen, you can use the options on the left side to filter your results to the type Book/eBook. If you only want to access eBooks, you can select the filter for available online. You can filter by other options such as publication year (sliding scale).
- If you find a book you would like to access electronically, click the Available online button (or on the item title).
- Availability is shown for print materials. If the item is available, note the location and shelfmark. If you are unsure where the location is or how to find an item using its shelfmark, please ask a member of staff who will be happy to help you.
- You can reserve or recall a print book by clicking on the book title, selecting reserve a copy and selecting University of Hull login. You will receive an email when the book is available for you to collect from the dedicated shelves in the Reading Room. You have 3 days (including weekends) to collect.
- Use the self-issue machines to issue the book to your account before you leave the Reading Room or the Library.
- Make sure you take note of the loan period - some fines can build up quite quickly!
Locating items in the library building
Until you become familiar with the Library building, you may not know where things are. Here is a quick guide to the locations given in Library Search. If you need any help, just ask any member of Library staff.
BJL Reading Room HDC
BJL stands for Brynmor Jones Library which is the name of the main University Library building. The HDC is our 'High Demand Collection' which is all found in the Reading Room on the first floor of the Library (turn right at the top of the main stairs). Most of the books on your reading lists will be located here. Many books in this collection have a shorter loan period so please take note of this to avoid incurring fines.
BJL Reading Room Mezzanine
This is the raised area in the Reading Room accessible by the stairs near the desk or at the far end (lift also available). It contains our Reference collection, DVDs and print journals amongst other things.
BJL Floors 2-7
Floors 2-7 all also contain loanable items. These are organised by discipline and you will soon find where the books related to your subject area are usually found (as well as those in the HDC). Boards around the library list the main subjects and where to find them and the Library search location will include a specific floor number to help you. Use the central lifts (or stairs if you want a free workout) to access floors 3-7.
Hull History Centre
Our archival collection is held at the Hull History Centre which is found in the city centre. Much of the collection can only be accessed there but some items can be transferred to the Brynmor Jones Library for you to use on campus. Ask a members of staff and they will check for you.
Available on request
Some items in our collection are held in closed areas - but they may still be loanable or can be available to use within the building.
Take a note of the classmark/location and go to either the Welcome Desk on the ground floor or the desk in the Reading Room to ask a member of staff to retrieve it for you.