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Copyright: Copyright Licencing Agency HE licence

What the CLA licence covers

The Copyright Licensing Agency negotiate with publishers and academic institutions to create licences that will satisfy both parties. For Higher Education, they have created a Comprehensive HE Licence, which covers creation of paper copies by any member of the institution, and digital copies by a named individual within an organisation.

What the licence covers
The licence enables the copying of texts and graphics either individually or combined within the basic permissions and defined limits below.

The basic permissions and defined limits set by the CLA Licence:

  • Up to 10% or one complete chapter (whichever is greater) from a book
  • Up to 10% or one whole article (whichever is greater) from a single issue of a journal
  • Up to 10% or one paper (whichever is greater) from a set of conference proceedings
  • Up to 10% of an anthology of short stories or poems or one short story or one poem of not more than 10 pages (whichever is greater)
  • Up to 10% or one single case (whichever is the greater) from a published report of judicial proceedings

Material excluded from the CLA licence

Some categories of material are not covered by the CLA licence and therefore members of the University are only entitled to create single copies within fair dealing limitations for non-commercial research or private study unless permission is granted via additional licences held by the University of Hull.

Full details of the excluded categories and works via the CLA website.

Participating publishers

The CLA licence enables the copying (within the limitations listed above) of books, journals and periodicals published in participating territories as listed on the CLA website. Please note that different territories offer different limitations on what can and cannot be copied and how.

Lists of participating US publishers and further information on the excluded categories/works are available to view in the Brynmor Jones Library


Photocopying material for the 24 Hour Loans collection

Items added to the library’s Photocopy collection are subject to additional permissions as students are likely to want to make further copies of these items.   Therefore, staff wishing to add photocopies of articles and book chapters to the Photocopy collection should ensure that either:

• The University owns at least one copy of the original published edition of the work, or

• Obtains a ‘copyright fee-paid’ copy of licensed material from either the British Library (BDLSC) or another licensed ‘document supplier’ or

• Obtains written permission from the copyright owner.

These restrictions are still limited to the CLA licence requirements of either 10% or 1 chapter of a book, or 1 article per journal or periodical issue.  Staff wishing to add more than this should seek permission from the rights owners.

CC License