As part of the MHWB survey we conducted with our PGRs in the Autumn of 2021, 89% of you said that you would like an online MHWB module just for PGRs. Not only have we developed this LibGuide resource for you for that purpose, we have also identified a recently developed course specifically designed to support the MHWB of PGRs! This online educational course was developed by one of the HEFCE PGR Catalyst Fund projects designed to improve support for the mental health and wellbeing of postgraduate research students. The projects developed new practice for pastoral support and training materials for students, supervisors and other staff across the sector, and the course is shared below for the benefit of our University of Hull PGRs.
The course was developed in response to a number of reports and academic papers investigating the prevalence of mental health issues in PGR students, and research into some of the causes of this distress.
The modules are shared here for PGR students but are also useful for PGR supervisors. They present research evidence on the mental health of PGR students and offer you guidance on how to navigate the supervisory relationship if there are mental health difficulties.
The aims of the course are to:
The modules have been designed:
Outline of the Modules
The Summary Module which presents the minimum knowledge and understanding of mental health you need as a PGR student or supervisor. The style is brief – it will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. For further information and guidance please take the time to work through the other modules in this series:
Module 1 contains research evidence into the mental health experiences of PGR students and how we can all support wellbeing, as students and supervisors.
Module 2 provides information about mental health and how to respond to students in distress. This will provide information to help supervisors to provide an appropriate level of support and to signpost appropriately. It will help students understand the signs of distress in themselves and their peers.
Module 3 'Supervising in the context of the mental health' will give both students and supervisors the tools to reflect on how their own style of supervising and being supervised may be impacted by PGR mental health.
Course development partners
Durham University, supported by Prof Stan Taylor, three Doctoral Training Partnerships - NINE, Northern Bridge and IAPETUS – and the Durham Student’s Union was awarded a grant to develop an online educational resource to support postgraduate research students’ mental health and wellbeing.