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Mental Health and Wellbeing Support and Resources for Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs): Managing Adversity

Within this section of the ‘Mental Health and Wellbeing’ Guide, learn about managing the ups and downs of postgraduate research by exploring what to do to support yourself when things go wrong and how to work with negative emotions. Additionally, learn how to address difficult conversations with your PGR supervisor/s regarding mental health and wellbeing. Hover the cursor over the tab for this page (Managing Adversity) at the top to see the drop-down list with information on all of the sections listed below. 


  1. Effective Communication

  2. How to Start a Mental Health Conversation with your Supervisor/s?

  3. How to Support Yourself when Things Go Wrong?


Summarised from The Wellbeing Thesis - An online resource for postgraduate research students to support your wellbeing, learning and research