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Making Use of Bibliometrics: Alternative metrics

A guide to bibliometrics and other ways to measure the impact of published research

“Altmetrics are very useful for making sure early career researchers get recognised for their contribution to their field.”

Terrie Moffitt, Duke University (2017).

Social media mentions

Evidence of attention for a scholarly work on social media (sometimes known as altmetrics) may be useful as an indicator of interest in the work beyond academic circles.  Several companies collate altmetric data by identifying the DOI of the original work in the social media trail.  

Be mindful that it's not appropriate to use altmetric scores to evaluate or rank scholarly works, as social media attention is easily manipulated and may reflect controversy rather than acclaim.

Sources of altmetrics:

For some hints and tips about using social media to promote your own or other people's research, start from the University of Hull's guide to Research Networking.