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Video assignments: PowerPoint videos

“One of the most underrated tools for doing short educational videos is PowerPoint”

University of Wisconsin, Making videos with PowerPoint

Any PowerPoint presentation can have a voiceover added and be exported as a video. See our tips and instructions below.

Preparing your presentation for recording

Whilst the way that you structure and design your presentation is generally the same for one that is going to be presented live or recorded as a video, there are some specific considerations:


1. Add animations

Whilst we usually suggest less is more when animating presentations, a recorded presentation can look quite static when there is no presenter to look at, so a few more animations usually work well. 

Just remember to only use them when they allow you to do one of three things:

Draw the viewer's eye to a particular thing at a particular time

Gradually reveal individual parts of something more complex to simplify it

Show how something progresses over time etc.


It is possible to create some really sophisticated animations in PowerPoint but here we just look at how to bring in elements one at a time.



2. Add speaker notes

When you are recording your presentation, you can see speaker notes that can prompt you with what you want to say. There is no reason why you cannot write these word-for-word, like a script - but you must make sure you do not sound like you are just reading them (try to put some enthusiasm or feeling into your voice). Alternatively, you can just put some short points that remind you what to talk about and you can ad-lib around these making your voice sound more natural. The best approach would probably be to try both and see which you think works best for you.



Some technical considerations

Let's make sure you are technically set up to record your video:


It may seem obvious, but make sure your computer has access to a microphone - either internal or external (or a headset with a microphone). If not, then you can loan a headset from the Reading Room in the library to use with your own laptop or with one of the library laptops. Whilst the sound quality may be better with an external microphone, the quality using an internal or headset mike will be fine for most academic work.

PowerPoint version

Check what version of PowerPoint you are using - recording narrations is not possible if you are using the online version of PowerPoint, you need to be using the desktop version - either on your own machine or a university one. The current desktop version of the Office 365 suite, which includes PowerPoint, can be downloaded for free whilst you are a University of Hull student. Go to and login with your university credentials. At the top right of the home screen there is an Install apps button which will enable you to download the apps onto your own machine.

Recording your voiceover

You are now ready to record your presentation. Don't worry about getting it all right first time, you can re-record individual slides as many times as you need to.

Before you start to record, move to the beginning of your presentation (or the slide where you want to start the voiceover).


You're ready to record!...

To record: Click the big red button in the middle of the top toolbar and talk away.

To move on: Either click on the image of the slide, or use the slide forward button at the bottom of the screen (also brings in next animation).

To pause: Use the standard button that appears in the top toolbar.

To stop: Click the big red central button again (it will have changed to show a  instead of a circle.

To re-record: Click the button in the top toolbar and try again.


When you are happy with your recorded narration, you can either go back and continue editing the presentation (using the < Edit button to the left of the top toolbar) or you can move straight to export to a video (Using the Export > button to the right of the top toolbar).

If you choose to continue editing, you will notice a large speaker icon on each slide with a voiceover recorded. This icon can be moved, resized or recoloured just like any other graphic. If you click on the icon, a play toolbar will appear so you can remind yourself what you said! You can go back to re-record any slide at any time.

Exporting to video

Once you are as happy as you can be, it is time to export. Depending which view you are in, do one of the following:

  • In Record view: click the Export > button:

Export button in record view


  • On the Record ribbon in the normal view, click the Export to Video button:

Export to video button on the Record ribbon


This will open a black screen where you can give it a different filename if you wish and Browse to choose where to save it. By default it will be in Full HD and an mp4 file. Any slides without a narration or timing included from your recording will default to show for 5 seconds. You should not need to change these settings but if you do, there is a Customize Export button. When you are ready, just click the orange Export Video button:

Exporting to video options