Open Research
This guide provides an introduction to Open Research at the University of Hull for staff, students and everyone who's interested in our research.
To support our researchers in becoming more 'open', this guide provides an overview and further reading for each element of the open research 'metaverse'.
Key Contacts
The institutional lead for Open Research is Professor Iain Brennan and the local network lead is Professor Grant Abt. The Hull branch of the UK Reproducibility Network meets once a month. To join the network or to learn more, please contact Iain or Grant.
Recommended Reading
How to be FAIR with your data by This handbook was written and edited by a group of about 40 collaborators in a series of six book sprints that took place between 1 and 10 June 2021. It aims to support higher education institutions with the practical implementation of content relating to the FAIR principles in their curricula, while also aiding teaching by providing practical material, such as competence profiles, learning outcomes, lesson plans, and supporting information. It incorporates community feedback received during the public consultation which ran from 27 July to 12 September 2021.
ISBN: 9783863955397Publication Date: 2022
The Production of Knowledge by Whilst a great deal of progress has been made in recent decades, concerns persist about the course of the social sciences. Progress in these disciplines is hard to assess and core scientific goals such as discovery, transparency, reproducibility, and cumulation remain frustratingly out of reach. Despite having technical acumen and an array tools at their disposal, today's social scientists may be only slightly better equipped to vanquish error and construct an edifice of truth than their forbears - who conducted analyses with slide rules and wrote up results with typewriters. This volume considers the challenges facing the social sciences, as well as possible solutions. In doing so, we adopt a systemic view of the subject matter. What are the rules and norms governing behavior in the social sciences? What kinds of research, and which sorts of researcher, succeed and fail under the current system? In what ways does this incentive structure serve, or subvert, the goal of scientific progress?
ISBN: 9781108762519Publication Date: 2020-03-11