The work you do in this workshop needs to be supplemented and extended with independent study.
There are specific books on seminar skills in the library and for easy access to good resources there are up to date and useful videos and guides on ‘how to participate in a group discussion’ on the internet.
These are just a few of our ideas:
Seminars are the perfect opportunity to explore your subject with others and get to know your class mates in a supportive environment.
Cambridge Academic English – An integrated skills course for EAP – Upper Intermediate
Chris Sowton
ISBN: 0521165261
This is a mixed academic skills book which we use to teach EAP, with chapter sections on academic groups discussions: taking part in tutorials and joining in group discussions, asking for and giving information, making suggestions, working with colleagues: generating ideas.
English for Academic Study: Speaking
Joan McCormack, Sebastian Watkins
ISBN: 978-1908614414
This book on academic speaking skills has seminar skills running throughout. It includes: summarising outcomes of discussion, clarifying and understanding opinions, giving your own opinion, turn-taking.
Q: Skills for success – Listening and Speaking
Miles Craven, Christine D Sherman
ISBN: 978-0194756129
This book includes useful information and exercises on expressing advantage and disadvantage, conveying numerical information, taking notes to prepare for a group discussion, persuasion.
How to discuss a topic in a group.
This is a simple video using a group of teachers to demonstrate discussion skills focusing on effective functional language. Click here to watch
Effective discussion skills
A good resource highlighting the language needed for successful discussions including exercises. Click here to read
TedEd: Your body language shapes who you are – Amy Cuddy
This is an interesting TedEd video lesson on ‘Your body language shapes who you are’. It examines the body language of ‘power’ and its effectiveness. Comprehension tasks are built around it. Click here to watch
Discussion skills: how to take part actively in academic talks
A good website that shows you how to participate in group discussions which includes a podcast, tabs at the bottom of the page to move on to different functions in a discussion and transcripts of discussions. Click here to read
Choose a video: Speaking British Council
This is a general English speaking skills site, with videos and tasks to illustrate functional language use. Click here to watch
Sign up for Languages for All and get free extra English practice with the language learning application, Rosetta Stone.