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Inclusive Education Framework: Pathways to Success

Pathways to Success Pathways to Success

Inclusive universities offer all students, regardless of their background or entry level, the opportunity to succeed. Inclusive education is not just about academic grades. It involves gaining additional personal attributes and competencies such as social and practical skills, lifelong friendships, and a fulfilling sustainable future career (York et al, 2015; Cachia et al, 2018). Encouraging students to reach their potential by adopting a fair and inclusive approach will ensure that success is achievable to all.

Importantly, success is dependent on a student’s understanding of the norms, cultures and behaviours of higher education, sometimes referred to as their cultural capital (Bourdieu, 1986). Students who are from historically disadvantaged backgrounds or are the first in their family to go to university are less likely to have accumulated cultural capital relating to higher education. To be inclusive the university will make its norms and expectations as transparent as possible.

Examples of how to do this might include:

Adopt a competency-based approach within programmes to make expectations clear. Competency requires knowledge, experience
and self-awareness within a disciplinary context. Encouraging a reflective approach to a student’s own learning and development will enable them to appreciate existing strengths, and work on developing areas for improvement.

Demystify and avoid the use of academic jargon. Using clear and understandable student language in all programme materials will ensure that outcomes and opportunities are explicit. For example, providing a clear explanation detailing how UK degree classifications work will help students to understand academic expectations, and the link between academic grades and future career or study plans.

Constructive ongoing reviews of academic progress. Regular reviews of academic achievement will enable students and personal supervisors to focus on academic issues, future targets, and address potential support needs. Early identification of future career aspirations also allows for action planning and bespoke support and signposting.

Embedding institutional support services into programme delivery. Inclusive programmes will embed introductions to services such as central academic skills teams, or student wellbeing teams. Doing this early in the programme encourages engagement with relevant services and reduces student anxieties about seeking support.

Use programme and marketing materials that demonstrate inclusivity. This could involve student facing marketing materials making
use of ‘real’ student narratives. For example, highlighting students who have achieved success despite needing to suspend their studies
or due to ill health could make for powerful role models.

Effective use of mentoring & role models. This can support inclusivity by demonstrating to students available possibilities and
potential career opportunities. Examples might include involving alumni in career events, collaboration with prospective employers and feeder colleges, and internship opportunities. Role models within the curriculum will represent the diversity of the student body.

Use additional supportive mechanisms to enhance student self-belief and confidence. Inclusive programmes will embed activities
that build student autonomy, responsibility and self-confidence. For example, at Hull the reflective tools within the TeamGB Student Support Tool could be used within taught content.

Ensuring that placement or work experience opportunities are equitable to all. Some students may potentially be disadvantaged if a placement opportunity is likely to incur additional travel or time commitments. Students with paid jobs may be unable to commit to a lengthy placement, and students with disabilities may face additional challenges in accessing placements. Placements and work experience opportunities should be carefully managed to ensure maximal inclusivity.