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Inclusive Education Framework: Community and Belonging

Community and Belonging Community and Belonging

For all students, feeling part of a community invokes feelings of security, positive emotions, and increased self-worth. A sense of belonging has also been demonstrated to be positively associated with student motivation, and academic success (Freeman et al, 2007; Bliuc et al, 2011). Students are less likely to withdraw from programmes or leave university if they are engaged both on an academic and a social level (Tinto, 1993; Krause & Armitage, 2014). Inclusive universities will build cultures which positively foster a strong sense of community and belonging.

Examples of how to do this might include:

Facilitating effective and supportive Personal Supervision. Enabling students to feel comfortable discussing their concerns or anxieties with academic tutors/supervisors will allow for effective signposting to additional support as indicated. Interventions such as bi-weekly drop-in sessions or a scheduled one to one monthly meeting could be used to help to facilitate effective rapport and relationship building.


Proactive monitoring of student engagement. Routine monitoring of engagement can identify students at risk of withdrawal at an early stage. At Hull, using the dynamic student engagement dashboard will allow for targeted supportive intervention via the personal supervision framework.

Relevant and inclusive induction activities. Effective induction is embedded within programmes and includes both social and academic focussed activities. Structure, timing and format of events will be considered, being mindful of commuter students, those with caring responsibilities etc. For example, the provision of alcohol might exclude students who choose not to drink for cultural, health or religious reasons. Inclusive induction will also provide tailored support for international students and those transferring from other universities part way through their programme.

Supporting students to build friendships and peer support throughout their programmes. Many students are more socially isolated than we might assume, so welcome opportunities to form connections with their peers within the programme. At Hull, embedding interventions such as the Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) scheme into module delivery will positively affect self-confidence whilst creating additional peer support. Further examples might include working in smaller teaching groups, and encouraging involvement
with related academic societies.

Effective and ongoing partnership with students. Examples of this might include initiatives such as Student Staff Partnership projects,
or involving students in programme design and decision making. Encouraging students to regularly evaluate modules and programmes,
and responding constructively and transparently to feedback given.

Empower students to embrace inclusivity within their own learning environments. This could include open discourse around student personal experience, and sharing of ideas amongst peer groups in relation to supporting diversity.